Community engagement reports: What matters most

October 17, 2014

We’ve released three reports which summarise what the community told us during broader community engagement on our first-ever 10-Year Financial Plan.

How should Council prioritise its spending? What should it do more of, less of, or keep the same? What services matter most to you? These key questions were answered by a diverse group of Melburnians in August via our online budget simulator on Participate Melbourne, through face-to-face pop-ups events across the city, stakeholder workshops and small discussion groups.

Nearly 700 people joined the conversation, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, community service providers, residents, businesses, residents groups, advisory groups, tourists, visitors, seniors and special interest groups. Their feedback has been given to the People’s Panel to help inform their recommendations to Council on its revenue and spending strategy over the next decade.

See what the community said here: