In a knowledge city, the collective power of mind and experience drives the city’s prosperity, its ability to compete globally and the quality of life its people enjoy. It supports a well-resourced education and scientific research system producing a highly skilled and talented workforce and a culture of innovation. It has a vibrant, collaborative and city-based lifelong learning culture. This is supported and amplified by a universal and dynamic online culture connecting its people to each other and to the world.
Future Melbourne 2008


The provision of schools and a quality education for children was the most commonly discussed topic regarding A knowledge city. Many people identified a lack of schools in the centre of the city as a deficiency for Melbourne, and suggestions for how to address this were provided.

Many people also identified the need to provide learning opportunities for a wide range of people, outside formal institutions, and the subsequent benefits that would then flow to the community were considered significant.

A very high number of people made statements that talked about innovative solutions to the issues that Melbourne faces in the future, including the complexities of city life, environmental concerns and economic prosperity. For a large number of people, digital innovation was a key way to improve city life, and for many people innovations in the technology and science sectors was key to Melbourne thriving.

A large number of people stated that provision of free Wi-Fi was their priority.

There was a small amount of information discussing the interactions between universities and the city.
