Implementing the Operating Protocol

October 18, 2018

A proposal to amend the Council’s Activities Local Law 2009 (Local Law) was presented to the Future Melbourne Committee on 7 February 2017. This amendment was proposed to assist Council in managing its dual role of working with people sleeping rough and undertaking compliance activities in the central city and parks.

In line with the Protocol and Council’s commitment to supporting pathways out of homelessness, City of Melbourne officers work with the Victorian Government, health and housing agencies and Victoria Police to provide more housing, health and wellbeing services, and safe spaces to rough sleepers, while maintaining the amenity for all in the central city.

All service providers and relevant Victorian Government departments were informed of the Protocol and the applicable sections of the Local Law in early October 2017. The Protocol has been adhered to by Victoria Police and Council Local Laws Officers. The relevant operational processes included in the Protocol document have also been initiated.

Overall the Protocol has provided greater clarity with regard to interpretation of the Local Law. There has been a decrease in the number of customer enquiries regarding Council’s response to homelessness. Groups of people sleeping rough in close proximity have been positively managed by Local Laws Officers and Police, as has the amount and types of belongings left unattended in public spaces. The number of complaints received by City of Melbourne has significantly reduced over the period.

Having considered the positive impact on amenity, enjoyment and the use of public space by the implementation of the Operating Protocol since September 2017, Council unanimously agreed not to proceed with proposed Activities (Public Amenity and Security) Local Law 2017.