Melbourne: A Great Place to Age draft strategic plan 2020-24 outlines our vision for older Melburnians, who are a vital part of our community.
Over the next four years we will work towards being internationally recognised as one of the great cities in the world in which to grow older, challenging negative attitudes and behaviours towards ageing and changing the discourse from invisibility and vulnerability to one of pride, strength, positivity, activity and resilience.
The strategic plan will align with the internationally recognised World Health Organization (WHO) Age Friendly Cities framework and will contribute to the Future Melbourne 2026 goals.
From a demographic analysis, policy scan and literature review, we have identified 16 priorities for the draft strategic plan. We are seeking community input on these priorities and in particular seven key social priorities:
- Ageism
- Dementia
- Elder abuse
- End of life
- Life transitions
- Loneliness and social isolation
- Racism
How we currently provide services, activities, and community infrastructure will need to change if we are to remain a safe, accessible and ‘age friendly’ city.
Read the final plan
Consultation closed
Project overview
Read more about the Melbourne: A Great Place to Age draft strategic plan and what we heard during community consultation.