In line with City of Melbourne’s Urban Forest Strategy we are committed to creating a resilient, healthy and diverse urban forest and are planting 3000 new trees each year across the municipality.

Albermarle Street, Kensington has been identified for priority tree renewal works.

After several falling tree branches, an independent arborist assessed all trees on the street and determined:

  • Nine trees require removal in the short term.
  • Eighteen trees do not need immediate removal but are poorly performing and will require removal at some point in the future.
  • One tree was recently removed and requires replacement.

Replacing just the trees that require removal in the short term will provide a gradual change to the landscape and allow retention of some canopy, but will mean inconsistent tree age and size. Removing all the trees together will provide uniform growth, consistent landscape character and less disruption to the street.

We now have an opportunity to consider a greening upgrade for the entire street that would improve amenity and tree canopy cover for your neighbourhood. This would be a significant change to the landscape, so we’d like your input.

Consultation closed 25 July 2022. The tree renewal project was completed in August 2023.

Consultation closed



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Independent Arborist assessment undertaken on all trees on Albermarle Street

    February 2022

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Pruning of trees

    June 2022

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community consultation

    Monday 4 July to Monday 25 July

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    First pop-up walking tour

    Wednesday 13 July

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Second pop-up walking tour

    Friday 15 July

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Tree planting undertaken

    August 2023

Community consultation

Feedback we heard on the Albermarle Street tree renewal.

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