Amendment C425 approved

June 8, 2023

On 8 June 2023, the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C425melb to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The Amendment implements the recommendations of the South Yarra Heritage Review (as it relates to buildings and streetscapes where the heritage category is going up: none to contributory, none to significant and contributory to significant) on an interim basis until 13 September 2024.

The Amendment applies the Heritage Overlay (HO) to four new individual places and one new precinct, extending the boundary of existing HOs for one precinct and one individual place, updating the heritage category of 275 places, and making associated changes to the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The amendment will ensure that the heritage values of the identified places are protected while permanent controls are progressed as part of Amendment C426melb.

The approved amendment is available at the Amendment C425 page of the Department of Transport and Planning’s Planning Schemes and Amendments online.