Future Melbourne Committee meeting 17 August 2021

September 16, 2021

The Amendment C278 Panel Report was due to be considered by the Future Melbourne Committee on 17 August 2021 but Council quorum could not be reached. Council appointed the Amendment C278 Sunlight to Parks Committee at its meeting held on Tuesday 31 August 2021 to consider the Panel report. The committee met on Tuesday 14 September 2021 and resolved the following:

That the Amendment C278 Sunlight to Parks Committee:

  • Notes that:
    • Council was unable to consider adopting Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C278 (the Amendment) due to a loss of quorum
    • the Amendment cannot be adopted under delegation due to the operation of section 188(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act)
  • Notes management’s recommendation in response to late submission No 179 in Attachment 6
  • Refers the Amendment as shown in Attachment 5 of this report to the Minister for Planning
  • Requests the Minister for Planning prepare and approve a new amendment to the Melbourne Planning Scheme in the same form as the Amendment under section 20(4) of the Act, in the form set out in Attachment 5 given the Amendment has been lawfully exhibited and subject to consultation and a Panel process under the Act
  • Authorises the General Manager, Strategy, Planning and Climate Change to make any further required changes to the Amendment documentation prior to submitting to the Minister for Planning.

To find out more, read the meeting papers and minutes from the Amendment C278 Sunlight to Parks Committee here.