The City of Melbourne is building a robust framework to ensure the appropriate location and operation of gaming venues.

Melbourne is Victoria’s pre-eminent cultural and entertainment location, providing entertainment for residents, visitors and tourists, as well as services that satisfy the needs of the community. Whilst gaming represents a legal entertainment offering, gaming machines are recognised as the form of gambling associated with the greatest harms to individuals, their families and the broader community.

We are seeking to revise and update the existing local planning policy for gaming to reflect the current statutory regulatory framework, and provide a robust framework to guide the assessment of planning applications for gaming venues to minimise the negative impacts.

The Gaming Planning Provisions Committee considered Amendment C307 following a loss of quorum at the Council meeting that was due to consider adoption of the Amendment. The Committee resolved to refer Amendment C307 to the Minister for Planning and request that the Minister for Planning prepare and approve a new amendment to the Melbourne Planning Scheme under Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act in the same form as Amendment C307 on the basis that the Amendment has already been the subject of the statutory exhibition, consultation and a panel process under the Act.

This new amendment forms Planning Scheme Amendment C366 Gaming policy, which is awaiting approval by the Minister for Planning.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community consultation

    24 May to 29 June 2018

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Submissions to the Future Melbourne Committee

    Report on public submissions to Future Melbourne Committee. Council requests Minister to appoint independent panel to review and hear submissions.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Submissions to the independent panel

    Independent panel considers written submissions lodged during the statutory consultation period, hears verbal submissions in support of the written submissions and makes recommendations.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Council consideration

    Council will consider the panel report and any changes to the Planning Scheme Amendment and whether to submit a final amendment to the Minister for approval.

    Council unable to adopt Amendment due to loss of quorum.

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Gaming Planning Provisions Committee considered Amendment

    Council requested the Minister for Planning prepare and approve Planning Scheme Amendment C366 Gaming Policy. This Amendment is the same as would have been considered by Council had quorum not been lost.

Amendment overview

Find out more about Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C307.

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