City of Melbourne request an Independent Panel consider submissions

May 23, 2019

Due to the number of Councillors declaring conflicts of interest at the 7 May 2019 Future Melbourne Committee meeting, the quorum for the meeting was lost and the agenda item was dealt with by an officer under delegation.

The decision made under delegation was in accordance with the management recommendation printed in the agenda papers and as follows:

That the Future Melbourne Committee:

10.1. Notes management’s assessment of the submissions as set out in Attachments 2 and 3.

10.2. Requests the Minister for Planning appoint an Independent Panel to consider submissions to Melbourne Planning Scheme C309.

10.3. Refers all submissions to the Independent Panel.

10.4. Notes that the preferred form of the Amendment to be presented to the Independent Panel as part of the City of Melbourne Part A submission will be in accordance with Attachment 5.

10.5. Notes that the final version of the preferred Amendment, which will be presented to the Independent Panel in response to expert evidence and submissions made during the Panel process, may suggest further changes to the Amendment, so long as any further changes are generally in accordance with the West Melbourne Structure Plan.

10.6. Authorises the Director City Strategy and Place to make any further minor editorial changes to the documents if required.