West Melbourne Structure Plan Committee referred Amendment C309 to the Minister for Planning

April 29, 2020

The Amendment C309 West Melbourne Structure Plan Committee referred Amendment C309 to the Minister for Planning last night.

The committee requests the Minister for Planning prepare and approve the Amendment under section 20(4) of the Act, given the Amendment has been lawfully exhibited and subject to consultation and a Panel process under the Act. The Amendment C309 provisions will then be included in the Melbourne Planning Scheme.

The committee also noted that Council was unable to consider adopting Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C309 (the Amendment). Due to a loss of quorum, the Amendment cannot be adopted under delegation due to the operation of section 188(2) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act).

To find out more, read the meeting papers and watch a recording from the Amendment C309 West Melbourne Structure Plan Committee meeting.