Event details

The draft Annual Plan and Budget 2020-21 outlines $632 million worth of programs and initiatives including a COVID-19 Recovery Package, a focus on capital works, transport and climate action.

Tune in to learn more about what we’re planning to deliver in the year ahead. Let us know if you have a question about the budget you’d like answered or if there is a topic you’d like more information on.

Our Chief Executive Officer Justin Hanney and Chief Financial Officer Michael Tenace will be on hand to talk all things budget at this interactive lunchtime session.

Any questions that we aren’t able to answer during the session will be responded to online after the event.

Submit your questions in the Q&A forum below, and we will respond within 24 hours. The forum will be live until 11.59pm 11 June 2020.

Only questions which relate to the Draft Annual Plan and Budget 2020-21 will be included in this event.

If you have any queries or comments relating to other council activity please contact us via our website or call +61 3 9658 9658.


  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Welcome and introduction by Justin Hanney

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Justin Hanney overview of the budget highlights

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Presentation on the budget by Michael Tenace

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Online Q&A session

  • Timeline item 5 - active



Justin Hanney

Justin Hanney


Chief Executive Officer

City Of Melbourne

Michael Tenace Chief Financial Officer

Michael Tenace


Chief Financial Officer

City Of Melbourne

Annual Plan and Budget Q&A forum

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You have 500 characters left

Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

Moderation Policy

These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Justin Hanney

Chief Executive Officer

City of Melbourne

Michael Tenace

Chief Financial Officer

City of Melbourne

{{ question.username }} asked


{{ answer.respondent.name }}
| Edited

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Annual Plan and Budget 2020–21