Goal 1: A City for People

Begin implementing Melbourne's Urban Renewal Areas plan

Proposed Actions:

1. Work with the State Government to implement Council’s goals through the development of plans for the Fishermans Bend Employment Precinct and Lorimer Precinct.

2. Finalise the West Melbourne Structure Plan.

3. Engage with the State Government's Central City Built Form Review, consider its outcomes and determine any further necessary Council actions to continue to improve urban design outcomes.

4. Progress Planning Scheme Amendment C259 to introduce mandatory height controls over Peel and Capel Street properties in North Melbourne through to Panel.

5. Progress Planning Scheme Amendment C221 West Melbourne Waterfront development through to Panel.

6. In partnership with the State Government and in consultation with the community, continue to develop plans for the urban renewal of the Arden Macaulay area that clearly articulates Council's expectations for future growth.

7. Develop a flood mitigation strategy including open space requirements, around the Moonee Ponds Creek corridor.

8. In partnership with the State Government, finalise the Moonee Ponds Creek Masterplan and seek agreement on a funding and implementation strategy.

Provide community infrastructure commensurate with the municipality's growing population and in anticipation of rapid growth in urban renewal areas

Proposed Actions:

9. Progress Planning Scheme Amendment for the Queen Victoria Market.

10. Finalise the QVM Precinct Renewal Program.

11. Advocate for an Arden Macaulay Infrastructure Contribution Plan with a view to incorporate Infrastructure Contribution Plans into other renewal areas such as Southbank and City North.

12. Participate with the State Government in development of a more integrated approach to delivery of community infrastructure and services across the inner Melbourne area.

Advocate to and cooperate with the Victorian Government in planning for new government schools

Proposed Action:

13. Facilitate the design and delivery of primary schools in the Carlton, North Melbourne and Docklands neighbourhoods in partnership with the State Government.

Facilitate private and public development of a diverse and more affordable housing stock to accommodate population growth

Proposed Actions:

14. Review the City of Melbourne Housing Strategy as it relates to affordable housing issues, following the release of the Australian Government’s Reform of the Federation White Paper and the Victorian Government’s Plan Melbourne refresh.

15. Ensure the Munro site redevelopment tender considers affordable housing and child care.

Develop an electronic gaming machine policy for the municipality

Proposed Action:

16. Begin implementing the outcomes of the gaming policy review.

Strengthen partnerships to prevent crime and improve community safety

Proposed Action:

17. Should the Night Network trial be extended, seek State Government funding for late night activation of the city.

Support the social and economic development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Proposed Action:

18. Revise the Procurement Policy to ensure supplier diversity and equal opportunity is being provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, including through the potential membership of Supply Nation.

Improve the municipality's social and physical accessibility for all age

Proposed Action:

19. Build on Year 3 action on Sunday Streets through an Expression of Interest process for trials and submit report on trials to Council.

Expand and improve public spaces through our Open Space Strategy with a particular focus on areas designated for rapid growth

Proposed Actions:

20. Begin construction of Southbank Boulevard open space project.

21. Undertake a planning scheme amendment to introduce an updated Sunlight to Open Space policy.

22. Develop proposals that improve the amenity of smaller public spaces to meet the needs of the community in areas facing significant increased density.