Goal 2: A Creative city
Develop sustainable cultural and physical infrastructure and programming
Proposed Actions:
23. Develop an implementation plan that aligns the Arts Infrastructure Framework with the Council’s agreed 10-Year Capital Works Plan.
Increase access to and participation in creative expression and arts and cultural experiences, including music
Proposed Actions:
24. Work with musicians and industry to develop mentoring programs and facilitate opportunities for the music community to work together on business improvement joint projects.
25. Complete a desktop review of Melbourne's arts, entertainment and community activity calendar to establish the quality and quantity of free activities with a view to providing the outcomes to Council.
Strengthen national and international artistic and cultural connections
Proposed Actions:
26. Deliver the biennial Dance Massive festival.
Contribute to artistic, cultural and heritage outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Proposed Actions:
27. Deliver the 2017 Melbourne Indigenous Arts Festival in partnership with community and arts stakeholders.
28. As agreed in the QVM Renewal Masterplan, work with indigenous stakeholders and Traditional Owner Groups to prepare a Cultural Heritage Management Plan.
Implement the Heritage Strategy
Proposed Actions:
29. Progress the Planning Scheme Amendment for the Heritage Policies Review.
30. Implement the Heritage Strategy by progressing planning scheme amendments for The Palace Theatre to completion; Guildford and Hardware lanes and West Melbourne to panel; and Bourke Hill, Southbank and Fishermans Bend for Council
31. Implement the agreed priority actions from the revised Heritage Implementation Plan 2013.