The conversation

In late 2023 we asked the community about our proposed vision and opportunities for the Chelmsford Street Open Space, as well as the potential activities and amenities the new open space could support.

We’ve also consulted with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Traditional Owners to seek their feedback on how the future open space could recognise and celebrate Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Gathering insights

The first phase of engagement for the Chelmsford Street Open Space ran from 9 November 2023 to 8 January 2024.

We collected feedback through:

  • An online survey on Participate Melbourne (paper copies were also available during pop-up sessions)
  • Two pop-up sessions held at 70-90 Chelmsford Street
  • Four focus group sessions:
    • Community focus group (online)
    • Homework club at the Kensington Housing Estate
    • Kensington Community Children's Co-op
    • Christmas Party at The Venny
  • Three intercept surveys
  • Door knocking local business and services.

We also:

  • Distributed postcards to local residents, businesses and community centres.
  • Installed project signage with information about the proposal and a QR code linking to the Participate Melbourne survey within the vicinity of 70-90 Chelmsford Street.

Who we reached

Speech bubble icon


280 responses were received throughout the engagement period.

Focus groups

132 people participated in a focus group or pop-up activity.

Survey responses

158 survey responses, with 89 per cent of respondents residents and 5 per cent of respondents workers.

What we heard

90 per cent of survey respondents were supportive of the project vision and 89 per cent were supportive of the project opportunities.

The top activities selected by survey respondents were:

  • Gathering and socialising
  • Relaxation and contemplation
  • Connecting with and learning about nature
  • Play
  • Walking and wheeling (prams, wheelchairs and walkers)
  • Informal sport and exercise
  • On-leash dog walking.

The top amenities selected by survey respondents were:

  • Picnic areas
  • Lawn areas
  • Seating for groups and individuals
  • Play elements
  • BBQs
  • Informal sport amenities (e.g. basketball hoop, soccer goal and hit-up wall)

Next steps

All feedback received from the first phase of engagement will help inform the draft concept plan, which will be shared with the community in May 2024.

Community engagement summary infographic

An accessible version of the infographic will be available soon. Any enquiries, please contact City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.

Community engagement report

Chelmsford Street Open Space