Express your interest in joining the focus group and Docklands Summit as a resident by completing the form below.

Participants will receive a $200 gift card if they attend the small focus group AND the half-day Summit.

Expressions of interest closed 5pm 31 July.

Purpose of the focus group:

  • Provide a platform for residents to speak freely about their experiences in Docklands;
  • Opportunity to discuss what a positive future outlook for Docklands may look like;
  • Gain community insights into potential short, medium and longer-term solutions to revitalise Docklands;
  • Provide a voice to those that are not represented in an existing community; and
  • Align community and Council interests ahead of the Summit, to establish common ground for Docklands.

Group size:

10-15 residents will be recruited.

Time commitment:

  • 2 hours for the focus group session (between 8-21 August, date and time subject to attendee availability)
  • 5 hours for the Summit (2 September).


Docklands, venue to be confirmed. Participants also have the option to attend online.

Docklands Summit