Throughout 2021 we consulted with the community on creating a number of new dog off-leash areas in the municipality. As a result, Council resolved in June 2022 to support a municipal order to create seven new dog off-leash areas within the City of Melbourne.

A proposal for a new off leash area in Carlton was not endorsed, with further consultation with the broader Carlton community on potential timed dog off-leash areas requested.

Two parks locations have been identified that would be appropriate to become timed dog off-leash areas. They are:

  • Lincoln Square (northern section)
  • Canning and Neill Street Reserve.

A timed dog off-leash area means that dogs may be off-leash from:

  • 1 November to 31 March during the hours of 6pm to 8am
  • 1 April to 31 October during the hours of 5pm to 9am.

These times are in keeping with other timed off leash areas within the City of Melbourne.

The results of this community consultation will shape recommendations on options for a timed dog off-leash area in Carlton.

Consultation closed 27 February 2023.

Select the red boundaries to open up a detailed map of each of the proposed areas. Zoom in and out using the top right navigation.




  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community consultation

    18 January to 27 February 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Review feedback

    March to April 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Report to Future Melbourne Committee (FMC)

    June 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Timed dog off-leash area for Carlton finalised

    27 July 2023

Dogs in open spaces

Read about our 2021 consultation on the Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy.

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