Eades Park Dog Off-Leash Area Renewal

January 24, 2024

What's happening?

Works to formalise the temporary facilities at the dog off-leash area at Eades Park will be implemented in 2024. The works will improve the space for our furry friends.

The proposed changes include:

  • permanent perimeter fencing and gates
  • installing a variety of surface treatments to accommodate both high and moderate use wear surfaces
  • retaining grass in low-wear grass areas with new irrigation
  • landscape elements such as rocks, logs and planting to provide a range of exercise and sensory opportunities for dogs
  • additional seating, bins and a drinking fountain.

These intended improvement works will mean the park will be closed for up to six weeks in mid 2024.

Closure dates will be available prior to these works commencing on site. View the map of our other dog off-leash areas that will remain open during construction of the Eades Park Renewal.

View the improvements and join us at an information session in the park to find out more.

The improvements

Click on the hotspots to view the improvements. The legend also provides more detail about tree locations and materials.

Illustrated aerial view of concept plan for the Eades Park Refresh showing improvements such as additional trees, grass, garden beds, seating, drink fountains and entrance gates

Download the renewal concept plan

Key information

Have questions about the improvements?

Join us at an information sessions in Eades Park to learn more about the improvements

Wednesday 7 February 2024 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm

Saturday 10 February 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

You can also contact us via email Park.Planning@melbourne.vic.gov.au

Dog off-leash areas that will remain open during construction of the Eades Park Dog Off-Leash Area Renewal

Map of dog off leash areas in City of Melbourne

For more information about off-leash areas for walking your dog in City of Melbourne, visit Council's website.