Following a workshop and online survey in 2023, the draft East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan is now ready for community feedback. Complete the survey to tell us if the draft plan has captured what we heard from you through our earlier consultation.

The survey will ask you about:

  • East Melbourne’s urban forest community vision
  • community recommendations for the urban forest in East Melbourne
  • priority areas for greening from a community perspective
  • tree types and selection for East Melbourne
  • tree diversity in East Melbourne
  • the ten-year urban forest plan for East Melbourne.

Have your say by 5pm Thursday 8 August.

Draft East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan

An accessible version of the draft East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan will be made available on request. Any enquiries, please contact City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.

Tell us what you think

Provide your feedback on the draft East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan by 5pm Thursday 8 August.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Initial community survey to inform the draft East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan

    February to July 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    East Melbourne workshop

    11 March 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Draft of East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plan presented to Future Melbourne Committee

    9 July 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Draft document available for public comment via online survey

    11 July to 8 August 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Final plans presented to Future Melbourne Committee

    February 2025

We conducted community consultation to inform the East Melbourne Urban Forest Precinct Plans between February and June 2023.

During this time, we held multiple community pop up events, an online survey and a community workshop. Twenty-six community members participated in either the workshop or the survey.

Community priorities, values and preferences directly inform the urban forest vision, character, priorities and the subsequent urban forest management in local areas.

We heard that the community vision for the future of East Melbourne’s urban forest is:

“East Melbourne’s urban forest respects its heritage of avenues, closed canopies and deciduous trees while becoming more diverse and inclusive for native biodiversity, interactions with the river and food production.”

Urban Forests in other neighbourhoods

Contact us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project?