What our sensor is telling us

June 7, 2023

The number of people who use Southbank Promenade differs each day. Read on to see what our sensor has picked up and how we’re using the information to create a smarter and more sociable public space.

What our data says:

  • On an average weekday, there are 27,000 pedestrians, just over one thousand cyclists and 270 people on e-scooters, compared to weekends, 37,000 pedestrians, 900 cyclists and 330 e-scooters.
  • 52 per cent of cyclists travel between 10km/hr and 15km/hr on weekdays, compared to 44 per cent on weekends, with the majority travelling slower on weekends.
  • Saturday is the busiest day for pedestrians, whereas Tuesday is busiest for cyclists and Sunday for e-scooters.
  • In summer there was an average of 100 cyclists per weekday, whereas in the last two months of Autumn, cyclist activity has increased to an average of 150 cyclists per weekday.
  • The busiest times for all modes of transport are:
    • 8am and 5pm (weekdays)
    • 10am is busiest for pedestrians and 4pm for cyclists (weekends).

The data will now be used as part of the Southbank Pedestrian and Road Safety Study. It will be used to understand the current situation and how we can improve connectivity, access, amenities and safety in one of our city’s busiest areas.

What’s next?

We are working on a data dashboard to share more insights with the community.

Follow us to stay up-to-date.

Above: A snapshot of the paths of movement of pedestrians, cyclists and e-scooters at the sensor location on Southbank Promenade.