Commercial EOI approved

November 28, 2022

The Future Melbourne Committee has approved the end of the current expression of interest (EOI) for community operators to operate and lease the Pavilion in Fitzroy Gardens and approves the commencement of a new commercial EOI for hospitality operators to operate and lease the Pavilion in November 2022.

Based on community consultation findings, the current EOI was undertaken in December 2021 for the lease, fit out and management of the Pavilion to provide a multi-use space combining a community outcome with hospitality services. The current EOI closed in March 2022.

Three submissions were received from commercial hospitality providers, with two submissions proposing a high-end fine dining restaurant concept.

The current EOI was unsuccessful in identifying a community tenant to activate the Pavilion for a dynamic multi-use community space.

Given the lack of community operators for the Pavilion and the second preference being for commercial use, it is proposed that a commercial hospitality expression of interest to lease be undertaken. The food and beverage operations in their own right have the potential to be exciting and better activate the Fitzroy Gardens including providing residents and tourists with an excellent culinary offering.

The proposed approach is also supported by the community engagement, noting that the single largest group of respondents identified food and beverage as their preferred option, whether not for profit or commercial.