
Access to nutritious, fair, safe and culturally appropriate food for all people is a human right and the cornerstone of a fair and socially just society. Growing numbers of people in our city struggle to get the food they need on a daily basis to support their overall health and wellbeing.

It is important we raise their awareness of social support services, including food relief organisations. This includes working with food relief organisations to understand models of support and ensure that services are delivered with dignity and respect for those who access them.

Food insecurity is caused by poverty and exacerbated by other factors for example inflation, the rapidly increasing cost of food. Impacts of climate, family violence, parenting pressures and employment barriers such as age, disability and chronic illness. These challenges also influence people’s capability to participate in and connect to the broader community.

Council Plan 2021–25 seeks to ensure everyone in our community has access to food. Our Community Food Relief Plan 2021–25 was our first step in realising this goal and by working in partnership with stakeholders we have begun the journey to taking collective action against food insecurity and hunger in our community.

Commitments proposed in the draft Food City Policy

Investigating the delivery of food programs and events that are integrated with social connection and cohesion opportunities, enhancing access to good food, reducing community isolation and food insecurity in our city; and improving our community’s overall mental health and wellbeing.

Ongoing advocacy in climate justice to tackle food insecurity and strengthen a healthy, sustainable, regenerative and equitable food system for Melbourne and Victoria.

Working with food relief services, community organisations and other stakeholders to deliver healthy and dignified models of food relief, integrate food affordability into housing and homelessness initiatives; and ensure our work and services address the diverse needs of community to reduce inequity in our city.

Ongoing advocacy to the Federal and Victorian Governments to take action to reduce poverty in Australia.