Phase one consultation
The conversation
The first round of community consultation took place from March to April 2018.
During this time we collected ideas from members of the community on what they would like to see in the renewal of JJ Holland Park.
We did this through Kensington Community Children’s Cooperative, the Venny, talking to families in the playground, and online feedback forms.
We also investigated how JJ Holland Park is used through landscape site analysis and existing play equipment assessment.
Gathering insights
Feedback was collected both online and in person.
Two pop-up engagement sessions were held, where the community were invited to speak to City of Melbourne staff about their vision for JJ Holland Park.
An online survey asked community members what they value about the park, how they currently use the play space, and how they would like to use it in future.
What we heard
Some of the feedback we heard:
In addition to these findings, children from the Kensington Community Children’s Cooperative contributed many ideas with drawings, models, and describing things they could imagine being in the new play space. Many of these ideas have been incorporated into the concept design.
Collecting ideas at Kensington Community Children's Cooperative
Read more about our engagement at Kensington Community Children's Cooperative.
The feedback we heard was used to inform the draft concept plan. Following engagement the plan was developed with a stronger central community area with increased seating and eating spaces and areas for children to be supervised while they play.
Phase two consultation
The conversation
The second phase of community engagement was held from 21 February to 1 April 2019. This phase sought feedback on the draft concept plan for the JJ Holland Park playground renewal.
The invitation to participate was promoted widely through:
- park signage
- posters in key community locations
- promotion to local community organisations and stakeholders
- a range of social media channels.
Targeted conversations with stakeholders surrounding the play space also took place, at locations including the Kensington Community Childcare Co-op and The Venny.
Gathering insights
There were opportunities for people to become familiar with the concept plan and provide feedback by:
- Discussing the concept at onsite meetings with Council Officers, and at the Kensington Community Festival.
- Viewing the concept plan and fly-through online and submitting feedback through an online survey.
- Participation at a community lunch hosted in conjunction with Kensington Neighbourhood House and Unison Housing.
Over 70 people had their say through the online survey, and a number of people provided feedback in-person.
What we heard
The engagement findings overall were supportive of the play space concept and made a number of suggestions for further play elements and amenities.
Some of the feedback we heard:
The final design has retained the majority of the trees to maximise shading, and there are additional new trees and understory planting.
We are retaining existing seats with backrests and have provided new seating opportunities within the junior play area.
Multiple other seating opportunities have been integrated throughout the site.
The final design includes a clear outline of the play space boundary. This boundary is in the form of small mounded gardens planted with tufted grasses, hoop fencing to protect plants while establishing and minimising dogs running directly into the area.
We have also included a key dedicated area for dogs to be leashed outside the playground if dog owners and their children are using the play space.
We have retained the bins to the boundary and bikes can be parked against the existing post and rail fence.
The design has many new opportunities throughout the space for crawling on turf, sand, softfall rubber and mulch. There is a flexible play area that is turf next to the junior play zone. New climbing opportunities are provided throughout the play area to deliver both a challenge and gradual learning to a range of age groups.
We have positioned a water fountain within the central meeting zone near the BBQ. The fountain will both supply drinking water and provide water play opportunities integrated with large boulders.
The new design includes the provision of extra trees which will provide more effective shading to a larger area of the play space. The playground redesign focuses on providing a great play space with the available budget. With the play value and funding in mind, a built shelter offers a limited amount of shade for the cost implication.
See the final concept plan
Next steps
Construction on the new play space commenced in late 2020. Follow the page to receive updates about the progress of the project.