Ending homelessness is a priority for the City of Melbourne.

Every Melburnian deserves a safe place to sleep every night. Through our special entity, Homes Melbourne, we are working with partners to deliver 6000 affordable homes and help end homelessness in our city.

We work across the entire housing spectrum to help people who are rough sleeping to move into short-term, supported housing while increasing long-term affordable rental housing and affordable housing.

Council seeks to appoint 11 external representatives to its Homelessness Advisory Committee. The committee will also include two City of Melbourne Councillors and will be chaired by the Lead of the Health, Wellbeing and Belonging Portfolio.

Expressions of interest have closed

The City of Melbourne Homelessness Advisory Committee will bring together people with broad and diverse knowledge and experience of issues relating to homelessness. It will be an important point of contact between Council and people who have personal and or professional experience and knowledge of homelessness.

The most recent figures on homelessness in Australia are from the ABS census, held on 10 August 2021. 

Homelessness has skyrocketed in Australia over the past 15 years, increasing by 36.5 per cent from 2006 to 2021. On Census night in 2021, an estimated 122,494 people across Australia were experiencing homelessness.

This number is up 5.2 per cent from Census night in 2016, when 116,427 people had no home, and 2011 when 105,237 people were experiencing homelessness. In 2006, the Census recorded that 89,728 people had no home.  

Of those experiencing homelessness in Australia in 2021: 

  • Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) were people aged 12 to 24 years (28,204 people).
  • Twenty per cent of people experiencing homelessness (24,930) were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, up 6.4 per cent from 23,437 in 2016 .
  • 55.9 per cent were men, and 44.1 per cent were women.
  • Women accounted for 81.7 per cent of the 6,067 increase of people experiencing homelessness in 2021.

We’re looking for a diverse group of people with energy, passion and ideas from a broad range of organisations and individuals including those with specialist skills, experience and knowledge in homelessness and related issues.

Council will make appointments based on merit, skill, expertise and leadership qualities. The Committee will bring specialist experience and skills, relevant network connections, innovative thinking, enthusiasm and passion for ending homelessness in Melbourne.

The committee will encompass a cross section of the community. It will be sought from, but not limited to:

  • People who can demonstrate the values of human rights, social inclusion, empowering people and building on people’s strengths and knowledge.
  • People with a direct experience of homelessness, or engagement with people experiencing homelessness.
  • Organisations involved in homelessness service delivery, housing, social infrastructure and systemic issues across the homelessness, health and welfare sectors.
  • Individuals that can demonstrate leadership, collaboration, and coordination across service sectors.
  • People who bring an understanding of City of Melbourne’s community and neighbourhood relationships.
  • People who have experience in promoting and advocating the views and needs of people living with intellectual or physical disabilities and/or mental health challenges.
  • People who can demonstrate an understanding of the impacts of the urban environment and public space on people experiencing homelessness.
  • Organisations and individuals with experience in education, skills development and employment training as pathways out of homelessness.
  • Organisations from government, business, industry and commercial sectors that can integrate their experience and role to support people experiencing homelessness.

Members of the committee will be appointed for a three-year term commencing from the first meeting. Meetings will take place at a minimum four times per year and will generally be limited to two hours.

People who are currently or have experienced homelessness are encouraged to apply. Homes Melbourne will provide direct support to facilitate both the application process as well as support for participation in meetings.

Representatives from service sector organisations and community members who are committed to providing information and advice to help create pathways out of homelessness are also encouraged to apply.

We know that homelessness directly impacts the following groups in Melbourne and are also seeking representatives from:

  • Melbourne-based people with a current or previous lived experience of homelessness.
  • People that identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (or both).
  • Young people (18 to 25).
  • Health or homelessness sector representatives from the not-for-profit or government sector, based in the municipality.

The purpose of establishing the committee is to provide strategic advice on policy and practice issues to the administration and Council. This advice assists Council in continuing to implement homelessness responses in the city.

The committee will provide a collaborative platform for exchange and consultation between Council and the homelessness sector. Members of the committee will also:

  • Provide advice on issues relevant to the ongoing implementation of City of Melbourne’s homelessness response and any strategies or plans that might be developed through the life of the Committee.
  • Provide comment and feedback on other Council policies, strategies and initiatives relevant to Homelessness.
  • Represent community views on homelessness issues to ensure resolutions are balanced.
  • Provide recommendations on methods and techniques to better inform and engage the community on homelessness issues.
  • Participate in consultations and discussions on homelessness and related issues across City of Melbourne’s functions and services.

For more information, please review the Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct (PDF 260 KB) for the Homelessness Advisory Committee.

Once appointed, members will be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable expenses associated with participation. Reimbursement may include transport, child care or interpreting services. Check with Homes Melbourne to discuss your needs and our prior approval requirements.

Appointed members who are holders of a concession card or health care card from Centrelink are eligible for a $200 sitting payment for each meeting they participate in.



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Public EOI

    20 June to 16 July 2023

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Selection, interview and appointment process

    19 July to September 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Council meeting

    September 2023

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    ​Invitations to new members

    from late September 2023

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    First advisory committee meeting

    late October 2023

Document Library

An accessible version of this document will be made available on request. Any enquiries, please contact City of Melbourne on 9658 9658.

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