How will Melbourne look in 2050? We're inviting hundreds of Melburnians – including residents, businesses and students – to help us shape the future of our city and create a long-term, 25-year strategy.

The M2050 Summit will be held from 9am to 5pm on Friday 9 May at Melbourne Town Hall, and will include presentations, group discussions and opportunities to share your ideas. Participants will need to attend the full day in person.

We are conducting an open Expression of Interest (EOI) process to select a diverse cross-section of our community to participate in the summit. From this EOI, we will select a representative mix of people – including people who engage with Melbourne in different ways and people of different ages, gender identities and cultural backgrounds. To be eligible, you need to complete the 'About you' section below.

Expressing interest does not guarantee a spot at the Summit. We will notify selected participants via email by late April 2025.

Expressions of interest close 5pm on 21 April 2025.

M2050 Vision and Council Plan 2025-2029