Our vision
Make Room helps break the cycle of homelessness for our city’s most vulnerable by providing access to specialist supported housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness.
Even though the provision of housing isn’t a traditional focus for local government, the City of Melbourne stepped up to help end street homelessness and rough sleeping in our city.
We have demonstrated how we can build safe and supportive housing, with integrated on-site health and social support services.
We have created a place in the central city that provides tailored housing and health support to help people navigate the at-times complex housing and health systems.
This is the first step in a pathway-focused housing-first model, designed to support, prepare and transition people into sustainable long-term housing.
602 Little Bourke Street
Make Room is an adaptive reuse initiative that has transformed a Council-owned building located at 602 Little Bourke Street into 50 supportive housing units designed to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness.
602 Little Bourke Street was a vacant six-storey building, plus basement and roof top, and formerly used as an electricity supply building. The building has an estimated asset value of $12 million, and the total cost of the refurbishment is approx. $24.9 million.
The building has been refurbished and converted into safe, supportive transitional housing for people to live in for up to 12 months or until they can find long-term secure housing.
By providing tailored case management alongside safe, secure housing we can help break the cycle of homelessness, so people can get their lives back on track.
The location of 602 Little Bourke Street is shown by the red marker.
Working together
We are working in partnership with Unison Housing, the Victorian Government and a range of partners, including philanthropists and corporates, to fund and deliver this project. In addition, onsite tailored support will be provided by cohealth and Ngwalla Willumbong to support residents on their journey out of homelessness – breaking the cycle of rough sleeping – and on a pathway to permanent housing.
The City of Melbourne has a significant track record of working in partnership with social, community and commercial partners and government to redevelop and build a diverse range of facilities and buildings for the community.
Our vision is for Make Room to set a new standard for transitional supportive housing in Victoria.
Project background
- Our whole community benefits when we work collaboratively to help people out of homelessness. We’ve seen that people can take back control of their lives when housing and tailored support is available.
- We play a key role across the city to ensure that everyone in our community feels safe and our public spaces are clean, accessible and inclusive. Make Room will support people experiencing rough sleeping and homelessness by providing options into supportive housing until secure housing can be found.
- Access to quality housing is critical for Melbourne’s liveability and economy.
- Our research shows that for every $1 invested in affordable housing, there is a $3 benefit to the community due to worker retention, educational benefits, enhanced human capital, health cost savings, and reduced family violence and crime. It is an investment in both essential infrastructure and people.
- In addition to helping our community’s most vulnerable people, the project created more than 70 jobs during its construction phase, and dozens of ongoing clinical, cleaning and maintenance roles when the building opens.
- We prepared detailed designs working with our delivery partner Unison Housing. Unison’s extensive experience as a housing and homelessness services provider has brought best practice leadership to the design.
- As part of the consultation process, we developed Cultural Safety Guidelines that included an intensive engagement process with Aboriginal people with insights into homelessness. These guidelines help to ensure that culturally appropriate design and service delivery models have been applied, so residents feel welcome and included in the space.
- The transitional supportive housing for up to 50 residents at 602 Little Bourke Street draws on a range of national and international best practice supported housing models and is based on Housing First Principles.
- Each studio apartment includes a bedroom, kitchenette, laundry and ensuite bathroom. There are 10 apartments per level, across five levels.
- Make Room also includes a communal rooftop terrace, complete with BBQs, vegetable gardens and programmable spaces .
- There is dedicated support for women, people from LGBTIQA+ communities and other groups who may experience exclusion, such as older people, people with a disability and people from multicultural communities.
- The 2021 Census recorded 1163 people experiencing homelessness in the City of Melbourne, out of 169,860 residents. The figure is down from 2016 when the Census recorded 1725 people as experiencing homelessness.
- However, as the 2021 Census occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, this decline does not necessarily indicate an ongoing trend. For example, the Victorian Government accommodated people experiencing rough sleeping in hotels during this period, which could account for the decrease.
Overview in figures:
- 1163 people experiencing homelessness in total.
- 5 per cent were Aboriginal peoples (Aboriginal peoples only comprise 0.5 per cent of our population).
- 15 per cent were young people aged 15 to 25 years old.
- 36 per cent were women, and 20 per cent of women were young women aged 20 to 24 years old.
- 130 people experiencing rough sleeping.
Source: ABS 2021 Census, released March 2023.
- The City of Melbourne and Homes Victoria have been working in partnership to reduce the number of people experiencing rough sleeping in and around Melbourne’s central city for many years, including through the successful Melbourne Homelessness Service Coordination Project (MHSCP) project which began in 2015.
- The Melbourne Homelessness Service Coordination Project (MHSCP) project brings together representatives from 17 agencies who work with people experiencing rough sleeping in the central city. The program coordinates services for these vulnerable people, tailoring specialists with the ultimate aim of creating pathways into permanent housing.
- MHSCP consists of specialist workers from a variety of services, including housing, health, mental health specialists, youth specific and other relevant support programs.
- In April 2020, the Melbourne By Name List (BNL) was established. This is a point-in-time tool that measures the level of homelessness within the municipality and monitors people on a case-by-case basis.
- The Melbourne BNL data shows that as of May 2024, the current number of people recorded as experiencing chronic homelessness and rough sleeping in the City of Melbourne is 147.
- What is the Make Room project?
- Why is this needed and how will it help?
- What type of housing and support services are you delivering?
- Why did you choose this location?
- How much did this cost and who is involved?
- What is the building refurbishment timeline and when will the accommodation open?
- Who will live at 602 Little Bourke Street?
- How will I be impacted?
- Once up and running, how will safety and security be managed?
- I know someone who is sleeping rough – what should I do?
- What community engagement have you done for Make Room?
- What else is the City of Melbourne doing about homelessness and housing?
- How was the location for this facility determined?
- How will Make Room integrate smoothly and safely into the neighborhood?
- How will you ensure that this project leads to long term secure housing?
- What are your criteria for tenants of 602 Little Bourke Street?
- How can I get involved in Make Room?
- I’m currently experiencing homelessness, where can I get help?