The conversation

Market Square will create a new 1.8 hectare open space, complementing the Queen Victoria Market (QVM). This project will relocate the existing open-air car park to two nearby underground car parks and transform the site into one of the largest public spaces in the city, offering more public open space for residents, city workers, visitors and market customers.

Bordering Market Square will be Queen's Corner Building (QCB), a new creative, community building incorporating a visitor centre, essential amenities, and supporting the activation of the square and market.

Consultation was conducted in September and October 2023 to gather insights from a cross section of the community.

Gathering insights

Consultation was conducted through letters sent to nearby residents, pop-ups, online surveys, school holiday activities, on-site intercept surveys, workshops and interviews.

Who we reached

A total of 592 people participated in the engagement, providing feedback on what features, programs, or amenities they would like to see in Market Square and the Queen’s Corner Building. This includes 221 survey responses, and 362 participants engaged through place-based activities.


letters were sent to nearby residents.

approximately 180

people participated in a pop-up.


online surveys were completed.


parents and children participated in a school holiday activity.


people participated in an intercept survey on-site.


people participated in either a workshop or individual interview.

What we heard

The most popular themes in feedback for the design and future use of Market Square and the Queen’s Corner Building were:

  • The need for any design to be flexible, scalable and not too prescriptive, allowing community members to shape how they’d like to use the space.
  • Simplicity in design, with plenty of green, open spaces to sit and relax.
  • Connection to the market, with food-related events and spaces to sit and eat produce from the market.
  • Respectful of heritage, through partnership with Traditional Owners, and through recognition of the colonial history of the site as Melbourne’s first cemetery.
  • A desire for family friendly spaces, including a playground for children.
  • Accessibility embedded in the design, with clear signage and amenities that enable different groups to use the space.

Examples of what we heard

Next steps

The City of Melbourne will review and consider community feedback in the next stage which involves the commencement of the concept design process for Market Square and Queen's Corner Building.

Market Square and Queen's Corner Building