Join us for National Volunteer Week (18 to 24 May), the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers.
Now more than ever it’s important to recognise and thank our volunteers, so this year we’re doing things a little differently. Instead of our usual face to face events we’ll be thanking our volunteers virtually.
City of Melbourne is hosting two virtual events, with much more happening during the week thanks to our event partners.
Prepare to be entertained with music, comedy and conversation as we thank the 6 million Australians who volunteer their time for our community.
Virtual events

Morning tea with the Lord Mayor of Melbourne
Sally Capp
Boil the kettle, prepare your favourite nibbles and get ready to go virtual in this special morning tea with the Lord Mayor.
Wednesday 20 May at 11am

Tea with Jam and Clare
Clare Bowditch and Jamila Rizvi
Join us for a morning filled with honest conversation, thought provoking speeches and uplifting song.
Thursday 21 May at 11am
Join our virtual National Volunteer Week events
Help us celebrate volunteering and share what it means to you.