First round of changes being rolled out for parking in Carlton

June 7, 2024

We've started work on the parking improvements from our Carlton Parking Review as part of the Neighbourhood Parking Reviews.

Community consultation for Carlton took place from November 2023 to February 2024.

Thank you to everyone who had their say via the online survey or by attending one of our in-person sessions.

Key insights that emerged from community feedback have helped form the parking improvements to Carlton that will be rolled out from early June.

We’ve made these adjustments in line with our Parking and Kerbside Management Plan.

For more information on the specific changes in your area please visit Parking improvement works.

We won’t set and forget the new conditions once works are complete; we'll give the community time to adjust and then review the functionality and performance of those changes.

If you have any feedback regarding changes in your area, please complete the Neighbourhood Parking Reviews survey.

For future updates you can follow the Neighbourhood Parking Reviews page.