Hardware Lane Street upgrade

April 13, 2023

Hardware Lane is a vibrant laneway known for its popular restaurants, bars and shops. The historic buildings and unique al-fresco dining creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The current streetscape and infrastructure along Hardware Lane has reached the end of its life expectancy, and must be upgraded to keep it safe and accessible for the community and visitors.

This upgrade will ensure that the laneway is compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), and will introduce features such as vehicle barriers, healthy trees and a new surface to accommodate heavy foot traffic.

The works on this upgrade will be delivered in stages to accommodate business operation requirements and minimise impacts as much as possible.

Stage one

Works on stage one of the project (from Bourke Street to Little Bourke Street) are anticipated to commence on Monday 1 May 2023 and are expected to be complete by September 2023.

The scope of the works includes:

  • Replacing the existing surface with bluestone pavers.
  • Installing tactile surface indicators, line markings and hostile vehicle barriers.
  • Upgrading the irrigation.
  • Planting 15 new trees and installing tree guards.

Access to businesses will be maintained at all times.

Stage one works will be delivered in two sections:

  • Works on section one (17 Hardware Lane to Bourke Street) are anticipated to commence early May 2023 and are expected to be complete by late June 2023.
  • Works on section two (17 Hardware Lane to Little Bourke Street) are anticipated to commence early June and are expected to be complete by September 2023.

Excavation and concreting works will be completed at night. Bluestone paving, installation of kerbside markers, tree guard, grate and granite block will occur during the day.

The above timelines are subject to weather conditions.


The construction hours during the day will be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday. The construction hours at night will be 10pm to 3am Monday to Thursday.

Occasional minor impact work may be required on Saturdays and Sundays from 8am to 6pm.

All works are in line with EPA and Council guidelines.

Businesses along Hardware Lane will still be in operation and access will be maintained at all times, but outdoor dining will be suspended for certain times during construction.

Noise and dust is to be expected while excavation and concreting works are underway.

Stage two

Stage two of this project involves a similar upgrade of the Hardware Lane streetscape between Little Bourke and Lonsdale streets. While there will be similarities in design features, the detailed design for stage two is still being finalised and we will update the community when it is available.

Read our latest construction bulletin