Swanston Street building for rent

February 15, 2024

Do you have a business idea that needs a space to operate? Why not express your interest to lease a building in the heart of the CBD.

With 15 meters of street frontage on Swanston Street, you could customise this contemporary space featuring a bluestone exterior, copper roof and natural light.


  • The location will attract foot traffic from locals, tourists and corporate professionals
  • Tailor the space with outdoor dining and a basement commercial kitchen space for creative concepts
  • Beyond a cafe, this space welcomes imaginative proposals.

CBD advantage

  • Attract diverse clients with its proximity to major attractions, shopping precincts and corporate hubs.
  • Located near major transportation hubs, ensuring close accessibility from trams on Bourke Street, Swanston Street, Collins Street and the future Metro train station entrance at City Square.

Submit your business proposal by 11am 29 February via TenderLink. Simply create an account and search for ‘140 Swanston Street’.