International student ambassadors announced as Melbourne named best student city

June 26, 2024

This year’s My Melbourne student ambassadors have been announced and they’re brimming with ideas.

The 12 ambassadors play a key role in designing, leading and promoting initiatives of the My Melbourne Program, which supports international students during their time living and studying in the City of Melbourne.

The 2024 ambassadors come from countries across the globe, and are studying 12 different majors, at seven Melbourne education institutes.

They will spend six months in the support role, helping organise activities including tours, events, workshops and information sessions to motivate their peers.

The City of Melbourne has engaged over 50,000 international students in the past three years. It welcomes students from all over the world to study and provides a range of programs and events.

Read on to hear from all the ambassadors and what they plan to do in the role.

The 12 student ambassadors

The ambassadors from left to right, back to front: Niel Evangelista, Jin Park, Vishan Amarasinghe, Andi Xu, Indah Simambela, Heza Hesami, Ruva Mandizha, Shivani Meharwade, Kaviya Ramma Naiken, Fakhira Aizham Wan Aizham, Hitomi Nakamura, Cam Ha Nguyen.

Meet the ambassadors

Meet Niel Evangelista

Studying Certificate III Individual Support, TasCollege Melbourne

From the Philippines

As an ambassador, I have a responsibility to make sure that international students are included and represented well in the community. I hope to encourage international students, especially certificate and diploma students, to be active members of the community through volunteering, participating in events, and taking part in various activities around the city. Melbourne is such a fantastic city to live in, and I hope international students experience the best this city has to offer.”

Meet Jin Park

Studying Communication (media), RMIT University

From South Korea

Being an ambassador means being a bridge for international students to community and culture. I hope to enrich a sense of belonging through cultural engagement and increase awareness of inclusivity. I look forward to contributing to making Melbourne liveable and lovable for students by organising events and activities with my creativity and experience.

Meet Vishan Amarasinghe

Studying Master of Professional and Practising Accounting, Melbourne Polytechnic

From Sri Lanka

Being a student ambassador makes me feel like a part of the vibrant Melbourne community and because of that, I feel more confident in myself than ever before. I aim to promote and educate others about what this beautiful city has to offer to newcomers like me and how it can help them become the best version of themselves.

Meet Andi Xu

Studying Master of Construction Management, University of Melbourne

From China

As a My Melbourne Student Ambassador, I will focus on helping international students enhance local engagement and improve employability, building connections beyond campus, and fostering opportunities for industry networking. I'm excited to start this journey with my fellow ambassadors and contribute to our shared goals along the way.”

Meet Indah Sinambela

Studying Master of Education in Digital Learning, Monash University

From Indonesia

Being an ambassador for the City of Melbourne allows me to represent and support the diverse community here, especially the international student community. I hope to foster inclusivity, assist those in need, and promote the vibrant culture and opportunities Melbourne offers. Through this role, I aim to give back to the community by creating a welcoming environment and facilitating meaningful connections."

Meet Ruva Mandizha

Studying Bachelor of Nursing, Australian Catholic University

From Zimbabwe

As a City of Melbourne ambassador, I'm excited about the endless opportunities ahead. Connecting with diverse individuals, sharing my journey, and sparking inspiration in fellow students is truly fulfilling. My aim is to empower international students to embrace their voices, share their narratives, and confidently occupy their space in Australian society.

Meet Heza Hesami

Studying Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering, RMIT University

From Iran

"Integrating into a new community is incredibly exciting, but what I find even more fulfilling is the opportunity to contribute and make a meaningful impact. Thanks to the City of Melbourne, I have the chance to explore my abilities and advance my skills to the next level, but more importantly, to have a positive impact on international students' journey here in Melbourne."

Meet Shivani Meharwade

Studying Master of Creative Arts at Deakin University

From India

Being an ambassador means being a beacon of support for my fellow students and nurturing a sense of community and excitement. I hope to utilise this opportunity to organize engaging activities and events that promote well-being and creativity. I look forward to creating memorable experiences and sharing this journey with the City of Melbourne community."

Meet Kaviya Ramma Naiken

Studying Bachelor of Computer Science, Deakin University

From Mauritius

As a My Melbourne Student Ambassador, I take pride to be residing in one of the most liveable cities in the world and I aim to empower international students by fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. I hope to make students feel more at home and guide them towards the numerous resources available to ensure a successful and transformative student journey.”

Meet Fakhira Aizham

Studying Master of Marketing Communications, University of Melbourne

From Malaysia

I have always been drawn towards studying in an international environment and this city is the perfect fit for me. As a student ambassador, I am proud to represent my culture and engage with international students from around the world. Having experienced the challenges of studying abroad first-hand, I want to support other students in their journey and help them feel at home in our diverse community.

Meet Hitomi Nakamura

Studying Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne

From Japan

Becoming a Melbourne Ambassador means I can contribute to the prosperity of international student communities as a connector, supporting peers who share the same experiences and challenges. As a student ambassador, I’d like to organise a music event that connects students and creates opportunities to showcase their talents. I am looking forward to facilitating events and connecting with more student peers."

Meet Cam-Ha Nguyen

Studying Master of Business Analytics, Deakin University

From Vietnam

Being selected as a My Melbourne Student Ambassador is an honour for me. I am passionate about introducing international students to exciting events and activities. My goal is to foster a supportive community that not only makes students feel comfortable in a foreign country but also helps them take pride in their unique backgrounds and contributions to our diverse, multicultural city.”

Support for international students

Find out about the My Melbourne program and all the resources City of Melbourne provides for international students.