Free multimedia exhibition: Sublime Stim

Sublime Stim, a new exhibition celebrating the beauty of neurodiversity and Autistic Culture, is now open at Arts House. To stim is to sensory seek in a process-based way. We all stim; however, in the Autistic community, the practice of developing this as a repetitive action for self-regulation and comfort is more pronounced. Throughout their Warehouse Residency, creator and lead artist Mishka hosted workshops, conducted interviews and collaborated with over 65 people from the Autistic and non-autistic community to explore stimming through artmaking, puppetry, music jams and outsider questionnaires that reclaimed the lens of neuro-testing. Sublime Stim brings together these explorations in a thought-provoking and joyous assembly of film, sculpture, sound, tactile installations and more. Come as you are, express as you feel, stim and respond in any way that is safe for you and others.