Stay heat-safe this summer

December 19, 2024

It’s going to be a hot, dry summer – are you prepared for extreme heat?

City of Melbourne has a range of resources, services and tips designed to help you keep cool during hot weather.

Explore our range of heat-safe maps, where you can easily find the below services in the city and nearby neighbourhoods:

  • Cool places – where to cool down on hot days
  • Cool routes - to help you get to where to you need be
  • Drinking taps around the city

You can also join us for one of our heat smart sessions at our local libraries. Learn about keeping safe in extreme heat, tips and tricks for cooling your home, and pick up a free heat health kit. Find a session near you on our website.

Visit our Heatwaves webpage to stay up-to-date with the latest heat health information, resources and activities to help keep you safe this summer.

To receive heatwave and extreme heat warnings, sign up to the Department of Health heat alerts.

People with cool bag