• EverythingData


    Smitan Pradhan, Saumya Sinha

    Small retailers face inventory, sales and customer engagement problems and this is intensified due to COVID. Insufficient supply of items delivers poor customer experience impacting loyalty and surplus of stocks impedes new stock entry. In an effort to facilitate the recovery of small retailers from COVID, we are proposing a user-friendly and retail-centric desktop app that offers sales recommendations driven by AI and predictive analytics capabilities.

  • POPS4Public


    Mohammad Mohammadi

    POPS4public improves the access and inclusiveness of Privately-Owned Public Spaces (POPS) by mapping their location and facilities. POPSs provide potentials and affordances for bringing back people to the city, which cannot be found in fully public spaces. Diverse and innovative uses can be expected in POPSs, while their visibility, accessibility and inclusion are criticised. The app invites people to these hidden spots, bringing social and economic life back to them.

  • Team JJJE


    Jeddi Kyne, Jacqueline Lee, Justin Choong, Elles Le

    We want to drive traffic in and around the city by enhancing awareness and engagement of what’s on. WADOO is the City of Melbourne gamified, featuring missions that take you to places in the CBD, the ability to earn points and redeem real-life rewards, and customisations. It shows real-time information about events, attractions and restaurants that are near you so you see exciting activities that are available right then and there.

  • Digi-Co

    Jorge Castillo, Pichitchai Choonprasan, Dinuki Gamage

    Digi-Co is designed to bring vibrancy, reactivation and crowds back into the CBD with a new immersive experience and to re-populate vacant building spaces in Melbourne. It creates connections and collaborations among creative industry individuals, the public and landowners who are suffering from lack of building space occupancy. It uses AR as its medium as a new way to access and visualise data, navigate and digitally experience the city.

  • DivergentCommunity

    We are in a new paradigm now where the office worker will no longer provide as much value to the city. This means that the city needs to engage with a wider variety of demographic groups and see what provides them with value. We also live in an Agile world where the need to continuously learn and get feedback will drive innovation. In a new paradigm, nothing can be taken for granted, and assumptions should be tested to see whether they are correct and whether they will provide value.

  • Emerging artists collective

    Offering exposure for Melbourne and regional Victorian Indigenous artists and crafters (artisans) in Melbourne, reminding us of not only our interconnectedness of cultures in time - Australian and indigenous, current and ancestral - but also the interconnectedness of regional to city, people to people, land to land, people to country, art to life, nature to culture, indigenous art to abstract art.

  • Give It Thought

    Mel generates a randomised, unique, visceral journey that leads you using a map to new pockets of the city, be it restaurants, bars or quirky, artistic spaces. By curating individual, novel experiences, targeted at locals aged 25 to 40, Mel increases foot-traffic in out of the way areas, stimulates economic growth within the hospitality and arts sectors and encourages people to connect utilising technology, all while bringing vibrancy to the streets of Melbourne.

  • Strategic Artistry Pty Ltd (trading as CURATE)

    CURATE is designing a marketplace for crowd-sourced learning programs in collaboration with a range of stakeholder organisations, thought leaders and changemakers. We are formalising our existing network of trainers and training organisations into a community of practice. A network of collaboration spaces enabled through systems and technology. With integrated technology, we can ensure that events and training can proceed, be in in person, online or hybrid delivery.

  • Vizdom

    My idea is about trying to solve the following problems:

    1. The dead loop of "There's no event in the city so people are less likely to come to the city" then "Because not many people are coming into the city, less people would risk hosting an event".

    2. Many spaces are "wasted" - not in use at all times or after business hours; this especially affects those who close early in the day.

    3. There are many talents and resources but they often don't get the chance to meet each other.