Notice is given pursuant to the Naming Rules for places in Victoria 2022 (‘Rules’) that the Melbourne City Council (‘Council’) proposes to name Corporation Lane CL1163 and the adjoining unnamed walkway between CL1163 and A’Beckett Street, Melbourne as Benz Lane (the ‘Proposal’).

The naming is required to provide appropriate addressing for abutting properties, ensure the integrity of Council’s records and support the provision of emergency and statutory services.

Have your say

Feedback can be provided:

All name submissions must comply with Naming rules for places in Victoria – Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities – 2022. Learn more about our current naming process.

Anyone may provide feedback on the Proposal to Council.

This community consultation is open from 13 March to 13 April 2025.

All feedback received by Council on or before 13 April 2025 will be considered in accordance with the Rules.

Area proposed to be named Benz Lane

Map showing boundary of Council laneway in Melbourne CBD

Background of name

The proposed name honours Hedwig Benz (1910 – 2006), who was the first full time interpreter employed in 1956 at the Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital – a hospital for women – in Melbourne.

Benz was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1972 in recognition of service to migrants in Victoria, for her work at the Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital.

She played a valuable role in removing the responsibility from English-speaking children of migrants in liaising about their mother’s illness with hospital staff.

More information

Naming of City of Melbourne's places and roads