Places for People - what's your Melbourne?

The first phase of the Places for People project was launched as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week (MKW) on 27 October 2014. Launching the project at MKW allowed us, for the first time to take the project to the people, to kick start a conversation with the people, as well as test the appetite of the public and share some of the research findings gathered over the past 12 months.

The engagement period ran over four weeks from 27 October to 24 November 2014 and sought a response from the broader Melbourne community – residents, workers, students and visitors, to the statement "I need Melbourne to...". Overall, 297 feedback posts were received over the engagement period.

The feedback received during stage one of the community engagement program will contribute to an informed civic discussion around the enhancement of the city as a place for all. It will also be used to help shape the broader engagement program (subsequent stages) with the community and potentially inform future social research streams.

Read the phase 1 community engagement report:

A summary of the phase 1 feedback posts and research is provided below.

I need Melbourne to..

Your comments

24 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Encourage people to meet their neighbours and take advantage of the public open space we have through event & place activation for all.

23 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Remove on street car parking and replace with wider footpaths and bike lanes. Ensure new developments have active street frontages

22 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Put tables in the park so there is something to a book, laptop, tablet or food and drink on. Also go's good with the free wifi in parks.

22 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Provide more space for walking. With almost 1 million people in the city each day its about time there was more space for people.

21 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Have an efficient and effective metro (subway) train system to vastly increase opportunities in employment, living and entertainment.

21 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Less cars in central CBD, but provide better parking infrastructure on the fridges so it is easy to get into using public transport

21 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

be greener - more green infrastructure for pedestrians and sustainably mitigate its impact on the environment

21 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Become a city in a forest - with greenery on every roof, wall and street that has space for it.

20 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

broaden the demographic of the CBD and encourage families to the city with more 3 and 4 bedrooms apartments like Paris, Rome, buenos aires

20 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

have a compost recycling program like other large cities to reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfill.

20 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

Permit the pedestrian lights outside the State library to stay green for 2 or more mins. Have express trams on Swanston street.

20 November, 2014

Anonymous says:

A car-free CBD fed by a comprehensive network of traffic-separated bike lanes Mixed-use walkable neighbourhoods Plot ratios & a bonus system

The study

The first Places for People study was published in 1994, based on a methodology developed by renowned Danish architect and urban design expert, Jan Gehl.

Places for People 2015 will be the third study we have completed over the last two decades into the quality of our public places and how people use the city as they go about their daily lives.

Your comments and thoughts will help inform broader community engagement in 2015 when we will be talking to people from various communities and neighbourhoods across the city.

A changing city

Bourke Street

City Square

Swanston Street

City Block Comparisons

To understand how the central city, Docklands and Southbank are performing as places for people, we are comparing similar sized blocks for their built form, land uses and occupation. This shows the impact that different types of growth have on the quality and function of the places in which we work, live, study and visit.

Melbourne land parcels

Land parcels (2012)
The Central City block illustrates a diverse and multiple offering of small scale land parcels, reflecting historic patterns of ownership, occupants and uses. The larger land parcels of Docklands and Southbank are the legacy from a “ground hungry” industrial past, but also reflect current models of redevelopment.

Melbourne Building Heights

Building heights (2012)
The built form of this Central City block has evolved over a longer time within a 40 metre height limit to offer a range of building heights, often more proportionate to the size of their respective land parcels. The building heights of this Docklands block developed within a 50 to 75 metre height limit for the towers and incorporate lower podiums. The building heights of this Southbank block developed with heights of up to 160 metres for the towers, incorporating podiums no taller than 30 metres.

Melbourne Building Occupants

Building occupants (2012)
The Central City block efficiently accommodates 511 businesses, enabling economic opportunities for small businesses to enter the market, thereby strengthening the local economy. The “fatter” buildings of Docklands and Southbank accommodate larger and fewer businesses.

On site parking spaces

On-site car parking spaces (2012)
The Docklands and Southbank blocks provide a large amount of above-ground car parking in lieu of diverse land uses, thus discouraging walkability and increasing car dependence. The Central City block has no on-site car parking spaces.

Melbourne Door Count

Doors (2013)
The small land parcels of the Central City block enable tenants to have independent entrances, encouraging possibilities for engagement with the street and public life. The larger land parcels of Docklands and Southbank blocks offer fewer entrances.

A growing city

Public space