Make sure you, your family and community are ready for emergencies with these useful warning and preparation resources.

Remember to always access more than one source for emergency information and warnings, such as ABC local radio or your local news.

VicEmergency is a hub for Victorians to find emergency information, warnings and preparation and recovery information. The website has a real-time map that shows incidents across the state, including floods, storms, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, beach closures, and shark sightings. You can also download the VicEmergency app to get real-time alerts directly to your smart device about events occurring near you.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a communication impairment, you can contact the VicEmergency Hotline via the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677. If you do not speak English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service for translated information from VicEmergency on 131 450.

Australian Red Cross’ RediPlan provides practical steps to plan for emergencies. Information is available in Easy English, Auslan and guides are available for people with physical disability, older people, people with chronic illness, people who have just moved, parents and children.

Having an emergency kit is one of the top recommendations when it comes to getting prepared, along with knowing your risks, getting connected and getting organised. Get packing is a great resource to support you getting your emergency kit ready.

City of Melbourne also have information on how to create a Personal Emergency Plan and Go Bag.

Feel inspired about things you may need in an emergency kit at Ready, Steady, Go

To take care of your pet in an emergency, plan ahead with these resources from Animal Welfare Victoria.

Do you live in an apartment, unit or townhouse? The Owners Corporation Network have resources to help you and your strata community get prepared, including ten steps to build resilience, critical infrastructure checklist, vulnerable people register and a personal emergency plan template.

The Insurance Council of Australia has information and resources to support you before, during and after an emergency. This includes help during disasters to coordinate insurer responses.

The Insure It, It's Worth It Guide has four easy steps to prepare your finances for emergencies and ensure you protect the things you value most. Factsheets are available in multiple languages.

City of Melbourne is never the lead agency during an emergency, we will always be a support agency, but we may play a key role in preparing for or recovering from an emergency.

Find out more about our Emergency Management Planning and Five Steps to be Prepared.

Prepared communities