The conversation

As part of the City of Melbourne’s provision of community sport and recreation facilities, a draft Recreation Facilities Provision Framework was released for feedback.

This Framework will guide Council’s planning and budget allocations to meet future recreation facility needs. The consultation ran from 30 May to 5 July 2024 and was an opportunity to understand if the strategic approach to making these decisions is supported by the community and current facility users.

Gathering insights

The invitation to participate was through an online survey on Participate Melbourne and at two information sessions.

The project team also provided a direct contact for any additional questions or submissions to be received.

Council invited feedback through a range of communication channels including:

  • emails and phone calls to sport and recreation clubs and operators
  • social media posts, including a paid targeted campaign
  • promotion in sport and recreation facilities through print and digital displays
  • targeted outreach to approximately 90 clubs (50 community sports, 30 recreation and 10 leased and licensed clubs) as well as the broader community.

Who we heard from

  • 82 people completed an online survey.
  • 12 attended an information session or stakeholder meeting.
  • 1603 people visited the Participate Melbourne page during the consultation.
  • Five written submissions were received.

What we heard

Overall, there was support for the draft principles and the prioritisation framework.

There was general support for greater use of existing facilities, the need to acquire additional open space to address population growth, and the need to prioritise recreation needs for new communities.

Other themes that emerged related to simplifying language and restructuring the document and additional context on how the framework will be applied.


The draft Recreation Facilities Provision Framework was updated to reflect the feedback including:

  • Additional context on how the framework will be applied.
  • Restructuring the document to make it clearer.
  • Adjustments to principles and prioritisation language and weighting.

Next steps

Council approved the Recreation Facilities Provision Framework on 20 August 2024.

Recreation Facilities Provision Framework