The purpose of the Revenue and Rating Plan is to determine the most appropriate and affordable revenue and rating approach for the City of Melbourne.

The Revenue and Rating Plan seeks to identify each source of revenue to be included in the budget and the policy rationale / assumptions that underpin these.

The Revenue and Rating Plan is a new requirement for councils. It provides a medium-term plan for how Council will generate income over a four-year period. This plan has been compiled in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020.

The final Council Plan/Budget/Rating and Revenue Plan was adopted by Council meeting on Tuesday 29 June 2021.

Read the plan

Consultation closed



  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Council meeting to endorse the plan for community consultation

    25 May 2021

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    ​Public release of draft Revenue and Rating Plan 2021–25 for community consultation

    25 May to 15 June 2021

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    ​Special Future Melbourne Committee

    To hear community feedback on draft Council Plan 2021–25, draft Budget 2021–22 and draft Revenue and Rating Plan

    2.45pm, 29 June 2021

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    ​Final Council endorsement

    Council Plan 2021–25 (incorporating the Community Vision and Health and Wellbeing Plan), alongside the Budget 2021-22, Economic Development Strategy and Revenue and Rating Plan 2021–25 are presented to Council for endorsement.

    5.30pm, 29 June 2021

Supporting documents

Council Plan and Budget

Find out about our other plans.

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