We are updating our Election Period Policy ahead of the October 2024 general election and we want your feedback.

All councils are required to include an Election Period Policy in their Governance Rules in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act).

The purpose of an Election Period Policy is to ensure that Council business is conducted during councillor elections in a way that is fair and democratic for all candidates.

We have reviewed our Election Period Policy ahead of the Council election later this year and have proposed the following updates:

  • The Policy name has been changed to just the ‘Election Period Policy’, to align with the wording of section 69 of the Act.
  • The inclusion of a table of Definitions (section 4).
  • Clarity regarding the publication of material during the Election Period (sections 8 and 9).
  • In addition to the suspension of Public Question Time, the suspension of verbal submissions at Future Melbourne Committee meetings, to ensure consistency with respect to verbal public participation (section 8.5).
  • The removal of the ‘Approval of Council Publications by the CEO’ certification requirements (this is not a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020).
  • Additional guidance regarding community engagement (section 10).
  • Additional guidance regarding the hosting of and attendance at, events and functions (section 11).
  • Additional guidance regarding the use of Council resources (section 12).
  • The introduction of an Information Register (section 13).
  • The introduction of expectations for staff and members of delegated committees or advisory committees (who are not councillors), who nominate as a candidate in the Melbourne City Council General Election (sections 16 and 17).
  • Clearer process for how breaches of the Policy will be dealt with (section 19).
  • The inclusion of a review timeframe for the next general election (section 20).

The Act requires a process of community engagement is followed by Council, in developing or amending its Governance Rules.

We are now seeking your thoughts on the changes to the Election Period Policy, before the Policy is presented to Council for consideration and adoption in the coming months.

The Governance Rules in their entity are not subject to consultation on this occasion. Consultation is restricted to the draft Election Period Policy only.

Written submissions on the draft Election Period Policy will be received up until 5pm, 10 July 2024. Written submissions are proposed to be presented to Council at the Future Melbourne Committee meeting on Tuesday 23 July 2024 for consideration. Interested community members can also request to make a verbal submission at that meeting.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Council meeting

    Council to endorse draft policy for public consultation.

    25 June 2024

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Community consultation

    26 June to 10 July 2024

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Future Melbourne Committee meeting

    Report with a summary of the Participate Melbourne submissions will be presented. This meeting will also provide an opportunity for anyone in the community to make a verbal submission.

    23 July 2024

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Council meeting

    Council adopts the final policy.

    30 July 2024


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Have questions or want to learn more about the project?