Consultation closed

December 11, 2023

Thank you for your participation in the Royal Park Master Plan phase 1 consultation.

We have been overwhelmed by interest from the community in Melbourne’s largest park.

We received 1432 surveys, 11,289 page visits and 108 map comments.

Due to these large numbers, we will be taking some time to carefully consider all submissions, before drafting the master plan.

A consultation summary will be provided late January 2024.

The draft master plan will come out for consultation in mid-2024.

Here are some examples of what we heard in response to the question, ‘What would you like Royal Park to look, feel and be like in 20 years’ time?’

  • ‘To continue to be a place of escape, refuge and beauty with plantings that reflect the climate but also with excellent sporting facilities that support and continue the long history of sporting clubs in the park area.’
  • ‘I would like Royal park to remain a uniquely large public wilderness in the heart of Melbourne. There is huge amenity in having somewhere wild to explore and feel you’re away from the city.
  • ‘A thriving native parkland, hub of community sport and healthy activities, and thoughtful acknowledgement of the First Nations land on which it belongs.’

You can also view areas the community love and opportunities to improve on our interactive map.