The park is valued by a range of visitors, including residents, workers and tourists who enjoy the park in diverse ways, but there are some parts of our community who feel excluded from or unsafe visiting Royal Park. These include people with a disability, women, LGBTIQ+ communities and multi-cultural communities.

What we heard in 2023

In the first phase of community consultation in 2023, we heard that design for accessibility rarely goes beyond minimum standards and is often viewed as a compliance exercise. It is important for Council to consider a diverse range of user groups and improve their experience of Royal Park

Consultation also highlighted safety concerns preventing some people from feeling comfortable visiting certain areas and accessing the park at certain times, particularly in the early morning and evening when the park is dark.

A community safety audit identified a number of opportunities to improve the experience for all current and future park visitors, with particular focus on women and people from diverse cultural backgrounds. These opportunities related generally to pedestrian safety on shared paths, road crossings, navigation and lighting.

Aspirations and priorities

The draft master plan identifies several aspirations for how we want to improve the visitor experience of the park:

  • Ensure park entries are inviting, distinctive and communicate a connection to place.
  • Ensure amenities meet the needs of a diverse range of visitors.
  • Explore ways to ensure the visitor experience is enhanced by education and interpretation facilities, events and activities that complement the park’s sensitive landscape.
  • Ensure pavilions and park structures are fit for purpose, safe, welcoming and inclusive.
  • Ensure all venues and facilities are designed to meet relevant standards and demonstrate design excellence.
  • Continually improve data collection to understand visitation and usage.

Several priority actions within the draft Master Plan that apply to the whole park will also help visitor experiences.

For example, the plan proposes ensuring human diversity is valued and embedded in all aspects of planning for Royal Park.

There are also a number of specific upgrades to support visitor experience listed in area plans. Explore the draft Master Plan by area.

View the map

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Map of lighting in Royal Park
