Our street teams have completed their work at high incident locations across the city for now.
In shared spaces over 900 people pledged to share. Many people pledged to keep left and be aware of their surroundings, or ride at a more relaxed speed. See more pledges from residents, workers and visitors below.
Over 12,000 tip cards were given to people walking across busy intersections in the city, reminding them to look up from their phones and observe signals when crossing city intersections.
On St Kilda Road and Collins Street we engaged with over 2000 drivers to help them look out for people riding bikes when opening their car door. See some photos of pledges to end car-dooring below.
Consultation closed
Shared Spaces
Did you know that around one million people use our streets every day? This means you’re sharing public spaces with many others.
When you’re riding a bicycle
- Ride at a slow speed, especially in shared and busy areas.
- Indicate to others when you’re about to pass – ring your bell or say ‘passing’.
- Give way to people walking.
When you’re walking
- Stay to the left.
- Mobile phones and headphones can distract you – be alert to what’s going on around you.
- Look out for people riding bikes when you change direction.
Drop into one of our activities or share your photo and pledge below to make the city safer and more enjoyable for everyone.
To provide further feedback on Share Our Streets, Road Safety Plan 2013-17 or draft Bicycle Plan 2016-2020 phone 9658 9658.
Your pledges
Our streets teams were out and about in March and April communicating about the need to look out for people riding bikes before opening a car door.
Car-dooring is an offence and can have serious consequences:
Consequences for the victim…
- serious injury or even death if thrown into the path of another vehicle.
Consequences for the offender…
- a fine of at least $369 and living with injuring or killing someone.
The teams will be roving in high car-dooring crash locations offering to help drivers by sharing the following tips to avoid car-dooring.
When you’re a driver or passenger
- Always use your mirrors before getting out of a vehicle – expect people on bicycles to be passing.
- If you’re the driver, open the car door with your left hand – turning your head this way helps you to look over your shoulder to see people on bikes coming.
- Open your car door slowly.
To provide further feedback on Share Our Streets or Road Safety Plan 2013-17 phone 9658 9658.