The City of Melbourne is committed to protecting your privacy. The information requested on this form is being collected by City of Melbourne for the purpose of creating a Marker for the Stolen Generations in the City of Melbourne or any other directly related purpose.

The information will also be disclosed to Karabena Consulting for the purpose of providing analysis of Community Consultations to the City of Melbourne on the Marker location and how the space should feel and be used. Karabena Consulting will separately undertake face-to-face interviews and forums, which will be considered alongside feedback gained through surveys.

Participants can elect to seek the assistance of third parties in completing the survey, for example Bringing Them Home Workers. Where you elect to complete the survey in hard copy the third party from which you receive assistance will forward your survey response to the City of Melbourne to process.

It will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law.

If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Melbourne, or would like to know further how your data will be used and retained, please contact Council via telephone 0481 463 512 or email

Please read this in addition to the Participate Melbourne privacy policy.

Stolen Generations Marker Project