The City of Melbourne is rolling out parking improvements across the CBD to make parking simpler and fairer.
These changes will help make sure our limited kerbside space is working efficiently and that parking reflects the needs of the city’s businesses, visitors, workers and residents. The improvements are being made in line with our Parking and Kerbside Management Plan.
Commercial passenger vehicles, including taxis, play an important role in city transport.
As part of our review of all kerbside needs across the city, taxi ranks or ‘Taxi Zone’ parking spaces will be revised to reflect current demand, while supporting accessibility and transport interchange. Taxi zones will be positioned at railway stations, major city destinations and at hospitals.
We will also create many more spaces across the city for passengers to be safely and conveniently picked up/dropped off. These spaces can be used by everyone – commercial passenger vehicles and private vehicles.
We will also trial changes to some existing taxi zones in the CBD. During this trial we will collect data and seek feedback from the community.
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View the map of proposed taxi zone changes
Changes in the trial area
The trial will take place in the area bounded by Bourke Street, Spring Street, Flinders Street and Elizabeth Street in the Melbourne CBD. The changes include:
- 55 Collins Street (Sofitel Hotel) – retain taxi zone, convert one space to an accessible parking space and convert one space to a loading zone.
- 101 Collins Street – remove two taxi zone spaces and convert to two additional loading zone spaces.
- 282 Collins Street (Block Arcade) – remove three taxi zone spaces and convert to an accessible parking space, an additional loading zone and a general parking space.
- Bourke Street Mall East – remove existing night taxi rank spaces and three taxi zone spaces, convert them to additional loading zones, general pick up/drop off spaces (‘no parking’) and an accessible parking space.
- Little Collins Street (at Southern Cross Lane) – retain taxi zone, convert one space to a loading zone and one space to a general pick up/drop off space (‘no parking’).
- Little Collins Street (at Victoria Hotel) – remove two taxi zone spaces, convert them to general pick up/drop off spaces (‘no parking’).
- Russell Street (Grand Hyatt) – retain taxi zone spaces on east side of Russell Street, remove centre of road taxi zone spaces and convert to general parking.
- Spring Street (Windsor Hotel / Parliament) – increase in taxi zone on west side of Spring Street from two to four spaces. Remove shared taxi/rail replacement bus spaces on east side and convert to bus parking spaces.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Changes to taxi zones in trial area: The changes will be rolled out progressively across the CBD.
Works will commence in late July and be completed in mid-August 2023
Timeline item 2 - complete
Survey open for feedback
24 July to 15 September 2023
Timeline item 3 - complete
Insights shared
Early 2024
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