What your rates cover

Pie chart showing 75% blue, reading 'our services' and 25% green reading 'waste charge'.

The waste charge includes Victorian Government taxes, street cleaning and amenity, and collection and disposal of: general waste and recycling, litter and dumped waste, hard waste, food and garden organics, soft plastics, business waste and electronic waste.

Concessional model for residential properties

We’re moving to a fairer and more transparent model, which will allow us to work with the community towards incentivising ratepayers to produce less landfill waste.

The Waste Charge is not an additional fee to generate revenue. It allows Council to recover costs as part of a process which is audited by the Essential Services Commission on behalf of the Victorian Government.

A flat rate of $378 will apply to residential properties valued above the median value, and a $150 concessional amount will apply to lower value properties. Residential ratepayers who are ineligible to access Council’s waste services will not be charged a fee.

The Valuer-General Victoria has determined the median residential property value in the City of Melbourne for 2022-23, is $505,000.

Commercial properties

A Waste Charge will be applied to commercial properties using the Capital Improved Value (CIV) ‘rate in the dollar’ calculation according to individual property values. This cost to help keep our city clean was previously included in commercial property rates, but the charge was not separated.

Our services

We are proud to be a circular economy leader.

Our residents are diverting more than half their food and garden organic waste away from landfill, meaning leftovers are being converted to compost and supplied to Victorian farms, parks and gardens.

We’re rolling out the service to 14,000 residents living in multi-unit dwellings and high-rises are next on our list. The sky really is the limit.

We are always working on innovative ways to expand our services and you’ll hear more about new glass and soft plastics recycling in the future.

Community engagement

This is the first step in working with our community to develop a model of cost incentives designed to reduce landfill waste. We want to make it easier to recycle and create a more sustainable city.

Zero waste city