Ideas and feedback received so far

May 18, 2018

A summary report on the first phase of engagement (Nov 2017-Feb 2018) has been prepared.

We had a great response to our call for ideas and feedback from November 2017 and March 2018 to help us develop our new Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy. The major themes identified through the feedback were:

  • further recycling – respondents are recycling as much as they can through existing systems but there are other items that they want to be able to recycle
  • more services – organic waste (food and garden) collections or other options for composting was requested by many respondents, along with options for recycling of soft-plastics and polystyrene, e-waste, clothing and other items
  • further education – many recommendations were received on the scope and method for educating the community
  • further regulation, enforcement and incentives– these methods were all suggested as ways that City of Melbourne could improve waste management
  • waste reduction and reuse – methods for reducing waste and increasing reuse were suggested

City of Melbourne operations – improvements to our operational waste management, for example, through our procurement and event management.

A summary report is now available for download in the document library.