Contract awarded

June 6, 2018

Last year we spoke to more than 100 young people, youth service providers, key stakeholders, and the community. We asked these groups what they thought was important for how City of Melbourne delivers youth services. We heard that there is a need for greater access to programs and services, as well as more opportunities for young people to contribute to the planning and delivery of these programs.

As a result of this consultation we have:

  • changed the scope of delivery. As a result we recently tendered for one provider to deliver youth services across the whole municipality, including North Melbourne, Kensington, Carlton and CBD.
  • separated out the contract for funding of services which solely focus on youth homelessness response. Find out more about this service.

We are very pleased to announce that as of 1 July 2018, drummond street services will be responsible for delivering youth programs across the municipality (with the exception of the youth homelessness response program).

To find out more visit, youth support services.