How can we make Melbourne more active? We want our recreation facilities and services to support all residents and visitors to the municipality.

The City of Melbourne has:

We want to improve and build on the existing formal and informal recreation opportunities, while considering predicted population growth and the resultant impact this has on demand. We want to find out how we can enable as many of the municipality’s residents and visitors as possible to engage in formal and informal physical activity – those of all ages, genders, cultural backgrounds and levels of ability.

In 2016 we consulted with the community on the Active Melbourne Strategy. This project is on hold until further notice.

Past updates


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Feedback open for Active Melbourne Strategy

    9 March to 15 April 2016

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Review engagement outcomes

    April to May 2016

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Develop draft document

    April to June 2016

Consultation closed

See the Active Melbourne Directory