Our plans, services and policies serve you, so consulting with you is a core part of our process.
We run public consultations on major strategies and plans that affect the public spaces of the city or the wellbeing of residents, businesses or visitors. We advertise at stages of a consultation in newspapers, local community publications and on our websites.
This process is guided by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) Principles for Public Participation and the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Public Participation Spectrum.
This website offers an additional, digital way to participate and have a say in the development of government policies and programs.
We’ll also tell you how you can get copies of documents about a particular strategy or plan, how you can respond to it and about any public meeting held to discuss it.
For more information see: City of Melbourne Community Engagement Policy 2021
Projects open for consultation are located at the top of the homepage. You can also find a specific project by using the search bar.
On the map, open projects are green and active projects are blue. You can search for a project’s location by clicking the pin icon on the top left-hand corner.
To provide feedback on an open consultation, we encourage you to sign up to Participate Melbourne.
Create your profile and get started.
Open: These projects are open for consultation
Active: These projects are in development but closed for consultation.
Closed: These projects are completed.
Track a project’s progress by clicking ‘Follow’ at the top of each the project page. This will subscribe you to updates that you will receive via email.
When you sign up to Participate Melbourne, you will gain access to:
- Notifications on the launch of new projects. This is based on the category fields selected in your profile. You can manage your notifications preferences on your profile page.
- Follow the projects of your choice and receive notifications on their progress. Subscribe via the 'follow' button located at the top of each project page.
You can also subscribe to the monthly newsletter.
All comments, ideas and suggestions are collected and used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, programs and activities.
Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities.
This is collated, analysed and considered alongside other inputs, including legislative, financial and technical requirements.
Moderators will not alter or edit forum comments. Forum comments will only be removed if they are deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious as outlined in the Moderation Policy. Users may be notified if their comments are removed and informed of the moderation process.
Participate Melbourne is the online platform for engagement, however there are other ways for the Melbourne community to have their say.
Feedback collected on Participate Melbourne is used to complement traditional face-to-face consultation activities including workshops, displays, forums and mail outs.
Follow project pages to find out times and places you can engage in-person, or contact us to find out more ways you can stay involved.